Special Activities

They involve the participants in creative activities, such as pottery,
restoration of ancient papers and a trip to a Tuscan island.


Coffee Experiences

A package of courses designed for those who want to have solid expertise in two very close worlds: that of coffee and that of pastry.

Chef at home

We are able to help you with the party you like to celebrate in the intimacy of your house. We organize two different events: personal chef for dinner or cooking lessons.


Program for spring and early fall. It includes three days at Giglio Island and two days in Florence, cooking typical dishes from the island.

Pottery & Cuisine

Workshop Program in collaboration with Office Lab. Three mornings of ceramic decoration and three lessons of Renaissance cuisine.

Recipes of paper

This course is made in collaboration with the Studio Deltos. Four days of restoration of old papers matched with Medieval and Renaissance cooking.

Palace of the Pope

The discovery of the Renaissance cuisine of Florence: the morning is dedicated to the visit of the Central Market, then the cooking class takes place in the kitchen of Palazzo Aldobrandini, called also The Palace of the Pope.

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